Little girl, you don't have to take your clothes off


Dear little girl,

I know what this world tells you is fulfilling. Being sexy and shocking and scandalous. It gets everyone’s attention. It turns heads. It drops jaws. Everywhere you look, the world is pulling you to drop your guard, to lower your standards, to give up yourself. Dresses are getting shorter, tops are getting lower, and the world tells you it doesn’t really matter. No one is getting hurt, and everyone is dressing this way anyway. The only problem is someone is getting hurt. Someone is affected every day by the way you are dressing…..and it’s not the men around you that I’m talking about.

It’s you.

You are so loved. You are so special. You are so beautiful and wonderfully made. Every part of you from your heart to your head to your toes. You have amazing worth. But you’re believing the lies. You’re letting the Kim Kardashian mentality into your heart, and it’s going to leave you as empty as it has left her, never satisfied, always grasping for more, and ever-twisting what once was beautiful and pure into an ugly monster cheapened by accessibility.

You and your body were never meant to be freely clicked and liked and zoomed and favorited.

Your body is meant to be presented to Jesus Christ to be used for his service. Your hands are meant to give, your feet meant to take you to the ends of the world to share the gospel, your arms to take in the lost world. He gave you this body, and while it is beautiful, it is wholly His. Everything He creates is beautiful. The only problem is that this world takes beauty and twists it into sexuality.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

You don’t have to sexualize yourself to be beautiful. That is not God’s definition of beauty. God’s definition of beauty is a heart after his kingdom. Eyes that look toward heaven and around for someone to serve. A heart that longs to see more of Jesus Christ in the world around it. A spirit that points people to Him, and a body given to be used for those kingdom purposes, not to fulfill your desire for worth or attention.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalms 139:14

It breaks my heart to see girls that I know and love lower their standards because of the pressure and pull of the world on their hearts. Sure, they may get the attention they are looking for, but at what cost to themselves?

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19

I don’t care who you’ve been or what you’ve done, you have infinite worth in the eyes of God. You can be washed in his blood and covered in grace. You can be clothed in righteousness, and your eyes can be opened to the sacredness of salvation and what it means for you now. It means that you are a child of the King, a beautiful daughter, treasured and precious, and meant only for the eyes of God, and the eyes of your husband.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. 1 Peter 2:9

You want role models? Don’t look at celebrities, or music artists, look at your pastor’s wife who has given her life up to serve your church. Look at the faithful women in your life who work, and raise their families, and serve their husbands in grace and godliness. Look at your friends who strive to know God better and encourage those around them. Choose godly women in your life who know what it means to be surrendered, and know the joy that comes from a life given to Christ. Model your life after true women and daughters of God not seeking after the applause of the world, but the applause of her heavenly Father.

You don’t have to take your clothes off. Don’t sell yourself so cheaply when CHRIST has made you so very valuable. You don’t have to buy into the lies of the world. You don’t have to believe that your naked body equals your worth. You don’t have to give yourself away and get nothing in return. You can give your heart, mind and body solely to God, and get earth and heaven, peace and joy, contentment and love. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.


  1. Even though I’m in my mid 40’s, I needed to read this. It just reminds and confirms what I know to be true. God loves me and wants what’s best for me….by keeping my body holy until the day I marry. Many snicker when I say that I’m saving myself for marriage and the first kiss will be when we’re pronounced husband and wife (even though I have a 21 &25 year old and have been married once and divorced). I know that’s God’s will and not mine. Thank you so much for these articles, they always seem to be what I need at that time. God is good like that, gotta love Him.


    • Tammy, you are so beautiful! Continue standing strong. I’m 24 and my coworkers do the same thing. It’s easy to feel burned out. But God smiles so brightly down on us for loving His law more than our flesh. And remember, God has someone special in mind for you and knows who he is at this very moment! Fight for him šŸ™‚ Allow others (and us) to encourage you when you need to be encouraged. It’s what us girls are here for!


      • Ashley, thank you so much. Society tends to be so hard on us godly chicks, but I’m hanging in there and standing strong. Thank you for the encouragement. I informed God a few years ago that I only wanted to date my husband. He’s made that possible lol I don’t get asked out much and when I do, I only get one date. Either I find out something about them or they just don’t want a second date. Either way, I’m happy that God does answer prayers lol I’ll keep you and your future husband in my prayers.


  2. This is a great post!! Really well put. Modesty is something that needs to be encouraged more, especially in today’s fast paced world. Thank your for addressing this subject and being an encouragement for us young women!! It is much appreciated.

    Lauren R


  3. I love what you’ve written. It pains me to see young, beautiful girls dress so immodestly. They don’t see their worth or that they deserve respect. I wish EVERY girl knew how loved, cherished, and beautiful they are in God’s eyes.


  4. I am also in my 40’s. It is no use really reading the comments under the startling pictures (nearly nude) that appeared in my timeline on social media. This was what I should have read. It is a God issue for sure. People were invited to judge Kim Kardashian. I am just sad that pictures are out in the limelight, and then knowing they are also in young people’s news feeds, my husband’s etc. I don’t know why she is an exhibitionist, or what drives her. It is sad, and I hope she takes it back someday, and matures. For her sake, and her family’s sake. We have to remember our bodies are temples. For God, and not the masses.


  5. I can’t even thank you enough for this one. So many Christian girls need encouragement right now. It seems like it’s so hard for many girls to guys who treasure godly girls, morals and aren’t distracted by a woman showing off her goodies for attention. To me it’s not even natural to want to show off your privates to the world when you have a husband, but it’s almost like the world now just defends people who do that! So where does that leave us? I thank you so much for being strong in your faith and for allowing God to use you, and these words, to encourage us and to help us in our walk. May we all link arms and serve Jesus and honor Him with our beautiful bodies, and encourage one another!


  6. I read an article today about the girl that went out on the streets with painted on pants. Yes! It made me so said. The world’s point of view is shaped by a few self-centered narcissists.
    Your article is excellent. On the point! Modest and tasteful dressing is been long forgotten. Our value is in Christ Jesus and not on the praises of other people, the clothes we were or the heads that turn to take a second look at us.
    Again, thank you for your openness, directness and encouraging article! Excellent.


  7. I really needed to hear this. Every day, whether it’s due to models I see on TV or things guys at my school talk about, it’s hard for me to feel beautiful because I know I don’t look like those women. I, and many other women, need to remember that true beauty comes from faith. When Christ shines through us, that is when we are most beautiful.


    • Alex you are so right! When Christ shines through us we are truly beautiful because it is the perfect beauty that comes from God. I totally understand what you mean about pressures from people at school to show off a perfect body – the attitudes boys and girls too have towards modesty and sexuality can be so damaging. I love what you said about true beauty coming from faith. It’s like Proverbs 31 that says “a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” When we put are faith in God we will show our true everlasting beauty šŸ™‚ God bless you and I pray you may find strength and value in God, and be reassured that the ‘beautiful’ things society tells us to be are fake and temporary.


  8. If you want Guys to love u, then u should not show urself off. They look for personality most of the time, not skin. If u do they will probably only like u for ur looks not for other things.


  9. Thank you for taking a stand on the subject of modesty. It is as if the word Modesty has been deleted out of the Christian vocabulary. God bless your efforts. I will pray for you to touch many lives with your message of Modesty. God bless, S. L. Harris


  10. Thank you….I’m in my 40’s now but i needed to read this. My niece is 13 yrs old and its such an ugly battle that this generation of girls are up against. The internet accompanied with an abundant supply of derogatory worldly views on what a girl needs to do and be are slowly eroding the souls of little girls before they even get into high school. Its a daily battle to teach my niece that her self worth is based on what GOD sees in her; not on what a hormonally driven teenage boy thinks of her.
    Hope A.


  11. Cool post. Am 22+ never dated or had a boyfriend, and i trust God will me to my future someday(its not been easy,but believe me,am so complete cause Jesus in my life)I also blog myself, and do my best with the help of the Holy Spirit to encourage both girls and guys to choose God’s way of living life. I know what this generation needs is grace and more grace according to Titus 2:11-12 it is the Grace of God that teaches us to say NO to ungidliness and worldly passions and enables us to live self-controlled,upright and godly lives in this age. Trust me dear girls God is in love with you and He wants best for you. Trust God in all things and enjoy your life in Jesus name.


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