A Season of Saturdays


Saturday. The time in between. Jesus was crucified. The disciples were confused. Hearts were broken. What would happen next?

Oftentimes, we are stuck in a season of Saturdays. Waiting for what will happen next. A season of stillness, but unrest. A season of quietness, but confusion. Looking to heaven and begging for God to move in our lives.

It is in these times when we have to cling to what the disciples almost failed to cling to. HOPE. The promise of Jesus that says, “My plans will be fulfilled. I will not leave you alone.” He told them he would rise on the third day, and, yet, on Saturday, they doubted.

In the middle of your Saturday season, waiting for what will come next, don’t lose hope in the promises of Jesus. Don’t lose heart in what he done and what he will do. Don’t forget what he has said.

All His plans are perfect. Psalm 18:30-31

He will never leave you. Deuteronomy 31:6

He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

He will work all things for your good. Romans 8:28

He will meet all your needs. Psalms 23:1

He will finish what he started. Philippians 1:6

He will fulfill his purpose for you. Psalm 138:8

He is directing your steps. Psalm 37:23

His timing is perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:11

It may be hard right now. It may seem like God is busy, and you are forgotten. It may seem as if nothing is happening, but God is working behind the scenes for you and in you. And when the time is right, He will reveal to you what His plans look like. Instead of looking backward, and making this a season of sadness and confusion and unrest, look unto Jesus. Look at his beautiful face and make this a season of peace and trust in all God has promised to do. Make Saturday a season of hope, and you will find that all He said will come to pass, and this season was one of the best times in your life because you didn’t lose hope.



  1. This is a truly beautiful article! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this. It’s exactly what I needed


  2. THANK YOU! This was SO encouraging! God used this as a sweet confirmation to me. Happy Easter! May God richly bless you for faithfully pointing others to HIM.


  3. This reminds me a lot of the post I just read by your brother “For the Fridays”. I don’t guess I’ve ever heard anyone put it like that, but it is so true. I know that I am going through Friday/Saturday right now in my life, but I also know that Sunday IS coming 🙂


  4. I love how God shows me that He loves me. Today, i was just feeling like God was on vacation. Trying to pray,study,meditate, nothing working out. Friends and family, no where to be found, fear of the future, all kinds of fears trying to grip me; then i found this message written to me. Thank you so much, this just lifted me out of my gung. The words is light. I have no fear of the future because He died, He said it was finished, and he rose. Alleluyah!, it’s not about my feelings, because heaven and earth will pass away, but his word will not pass away. Thank you for letting God use you. Thank You Jesus for encouraging me today. I love you!


  5. This was so good, and so needed! So thankful for all you write! Thank you for being obedient and listening to God when He speaks to you..and for sharing it! Many have been blessed..I know I have! Thanks for this reminder of hope!


  6. This could have not come at a better time. This post speaks directly to the season that I’m in. Thank you, Lauren for all you do!


  7. Thank you so much for your beautiful way of expressing
    the Word of our Lord!! You make change my way of
    thinking about Saturdays!!
    God Bless You!!


  8. Absolutely what my heart needed right now. Thank you thank you for this!! You reminded me that I’m gonna be OK. Gods here for me always. Thanks again sweety xo


  9. waiting can be hard, but when we wake up each day and choose hope and joy and trusting the leading of God, it’ll be better. thanks for insight on this!


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