Changing things up

imageThings have been changing in my life. Lots of things have changed. In no big or viral way, I have become a wife and a mother. And just that sentence alone is new a scary and exciting and makes me want to burst into tears, (probably the hormones). I have not written to you in a while, and the real reason is, I have been unsure of what you wanted me to say. I built my blog on being the single girl with high standards. A little defensive and open to love but closed to any imitations. I wrote from exactly where I was, exactly what I was feeling, and I felt so relatable and less alone. I felt empowering and motivating and like I was making a difference.

Now, I am in a different stage of my life, and as well as I can relate to you single girls, I can relate to the new wife. I see many of you can now also. I’m learning new lessons, becoming more independent and more dependent at the same time. I’m caring less about what people think and more about how my family will respond and grow in each decision I make. I’m learning to ask opinions and make my husband a priority. I’m learning to still be in awe and wonder about all the things God has prepared for me in my future. I’ve learned that change is scary and hard and exciting and inevitable.

Soon, I will be a mother, and as much as you don’t want thefulltimegirl to become a mommy blog, believe me, I don’t either. I will do my best to share lessons that I am learning in a relatable way for you whether you are a mom or grown kids or still yet to be married and start a family of your own.

I guess I just wanted to let you know where my head has been for the past, well, year. Blogging is not something I want to give up on. I guess I just needed some time to settle into a new role. I won’t forget what it was like to be single. I still have tons of relationship advice. I still have two shoulders to cry on. I’m still a girl just like you navigating unfamiliar territory the best that she can. And I still feel like God wants me to share my heart and impact some lives for Him in a small way.

To those of you still reading and following, I want to say thank you. It’s easy to give up on someone when they aren’t giving you what you need or have come to expect from them. I’m so glad you stuck around. I love hearing your stories and seeing you grow along with me. Feel free to leave a message here catching me up on what exciting things have been going on in your life! I would love to hear them.

I’m excited about what we have to learn ahead of us, and so thankful for what we have accomplished thus far. So that’s my introduction into what’s next. What exactly that is, I honestly have no idea but I’m up for the challenge. 🙂



  1. I have followed you for about a year.. I never comment on anything. I just wanted to thank you for your Godly example. I love reading your posts!!

    I’m trying to get my craft business up and running! Setting up a Facebook page & maybe an etsy shop…
    Hope you have a good day!
    Love, Taylor


    • Thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear that. It means more than you know. A shop! That’s so exciting! Wishing you all the best!! Xoxo


  2. Lauren,
    I’ve been following you since the beginning of you starting thefulltimegirl. You’ve always help inspire me as I stepped out of my single season into marriage and I thank you for that.

    In my life write now I’m trying to start my handmade body care and nutrition blog business as well as planning to start a family with my husband. I have a family planning appointment tomorrow with my doctor and although I’m nervous I’m excited to be in this season.

    Thanks for all you do! Us girls love you! 😊😘


  3. Hi Lauren,
    I don’t typically comment either, but just wanted to say that as a new wife myself I can really relate to what this whole post is talking about. I got married not long after you did & now my hubby & I are talking about possibly trying for a baby. All these changes definitely can be an adjustment but thankfully with God the journey is so worth it! I can’t wait to see where this new season takes your writing. You are always such an inspiration, you have an amazing way with words. It’s a gift!
    Thank you for all you do!


  4. Lauren! Your blog has inspired me to be confident, fearless and unwavering. Even in this new season for you I know you will be able to bless girls like myself who have yet to enter into marriage. Us young girls need to see good godly marriages to look up to these days. Keep doing what you are doing. And I pray God blesses you as you become a new mommy, that little girl is going to be so blessed!


  5. I found your blog when I was a freshman in high school, I’m pretty sure. Now, I’m about to be a freshman in college. Change is definitely coming my way and I’ve been absolutely terrified and excited at the same time. Your words have left such a lasting impact on me and I know God allowed me to find your account and blog for that reason. I’ve changed and grown so much and I know I will continue to with every passing moment in this life. Thank you for showing me about being a girl after God’s heart through your words. That is my passion and dream now; to show that truth to other girls and women as well. I appreciate you and how you’ve let God work through you so much!


  6. Hi Lauren,

    Thanks for the update. I have been looking out for your blog posts and follow you on Instagram too. Congrats on soon being a mummy. I have been following you for over 3 years now. I k ow this because I remember coming across your page before I meet my soon to be husband. We have been together a bit just under 3 years and now 19 days to go to the wedding day!

    Oh and its not just one but two wedding. I am originally from Nigeria so having a traditional Nigerian engagement ceremony and then the church wedding 🙂

    So I can resonate with your feelings on change as I am transitioning to be a wife and have just completed a primary teacher training course.
    Like you, I have always been aware of my heart towards encouraging and supporting young women in their identity and wholeness in God. As it says in scripture, seek first His kingdom and everything else will be added! This is what I live by and seek to use to encourage my sisters.

    Very excited for the future and I know God will continue to walk hand in hand with you. God before you and be ever with you and your new family!

    Thank you for being faithful and like many others and encouraging me to not settle but wait and trust in God’s timing for his best! My soon to be husband is incredible. Everything I ever want and need. So blessed to walk this journey with Him and look forward to continuing to support Him as the helper he deserves 🙂 🙂


  7. Soo excited for you, Lauren!! 💗 I, too have followed you from the beginning, and have been so excited to learn and grow (from and) with you along the way! You’re such an inspiration and you reach past so many borders and touch so many hearts. You’re an awesome wife, and I know you’ll be an amaZing mommy, too! Thank you for speaking out and speaking into our lives. Wish there were so many more people like you. If you ever feel that you don’t make a difference…I hope you’ll always know that you do. 🙂 You’re loved, LoVeD, LOVED!!!
    Love, Ellie


  8. I have been reading and following your blog for about two years now, and not once have I doubted the words that have been pressed into my heart through your experiences and longevity in trusting God. Thank you for encouraging young ladies like myself to keep our heads up in order to look at the One who holds our tomorrow!


  9. God bless you Lauren. Whether youre single, married, mother, grandmother..ill still read your posts. You are influential and inspiring, im glad to see where God has brought you from and where hes taking learning from what hes teaching you in your personal process


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