Love and the Law of Sowing and Reaping

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galations 6:7-8

The law of sowing and reaping. It’s not just a possibility. It’s a promise from God’s word. We understand that it means that every choice we make has consequences. Good choices lead to good consequences. Bad choices lead to bad consequences. But what does this mean when it comes to relationships, romantic or otherwise?

Well, allow me to let you in on a secret. The law of sowing and reaping has nothing to do with what anyone else has done or is doing. It is what we call an “independent event” because the outcome of our choices is not affected by anyone else’s choices. Why is this good news?

Well sometimes even when we do the right thing, others do the wrong thing. Sometimes we choose to give of our hearts and they get broken. Sometimes we love over and over to receive nothing back from others except selfishness, pride, and hate, and it’s hard to keep going because we see their choices as something that was a result of our choices. That is not the case.

You see, if you pour out love on other people it’s as if it is being poured into a big tank. God is storing up all that love and labeling it with your name so that it can be poured back on you at some point. Our tank is independent from anyone else’s tank. No one gets to pour anything in our tank or take anything out. God is in charge and He sees our hearts. He is saving all the love we give away so He can dump it right back on us in the future. It doesn’t matter if it’s reciprocated right now or if it’s not.

Likewise, if the people we love, return with selfishness, and pride, and cruelty, they are pouring all that hate into their own tank. God sees what they are doing and, at some point, maybe not today maybe not tomorrow, but at some point, they will get all that hate, selfishness, and pride, and arrogance poured out on them. They will receive the results of what they have poured into their tank. It has their name on it in big black inky letters.

What does that teach us?

Well, #1 it teaches us that it is never a waste of our hearts to give love. We don’t love because other people are worthy of love or other people have given us love or because we will always immediately receive love in return from that person. We love because God told us to love. We love because God loved us and sent his son to redeem our fallen souls. We have received love from Him, and we give love out even when we don’t feel like it because God has asked that of us.

#2 It also teaches us that in romantic relationships, God knows the whole story. If we have given our hearts to someone, if we have truly tried to love them in the right ways, we will reap what we have sown. God told us that we would.

#3 Lastly, it teaches us that just because hate is what we received in exchange for our love doesn’t mean that’s what we deserve. God is in charge in this universe and He is the only one allowed to deal out consequences in this situation. The love in our hearts deserves to be returned with the same kind of love. It is worthy of being being appreciated and reciprocated. It’s like God is saying, “Nope, your heart doesn’t deserve that, and, don’t worry, I’m storing it up. You’ll get it back one day. Your love will not be unredeemed. It’s got your name on it.” That’s what this promise is saying.

If you’ve been broken hearted for too long now, remember that God knows your heart. He knows all the love you have for Him, and he knows the love you have given away. He has every bit of it measured and poured out into a tank, and in his time, you will reap what you have sown. Those who have done wrong against you and against others will receive what they have sown as well.

Get this. It’s not just a possibility. It’s a promise. Don’t get weary or discouraged. Don’t give up on people or on love or on God. Find freedom in this promise that God knows. God sees and He will always take care of you. Just you wait and see.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galations 6:9


    • Thank you Miss De Moss. Praise God for His perfect love for us human beings. The love that sees no ending. Such infinitive love is inspired by God. Beautifully showcased through Jesus in his lifetime here on Earth.


  1. Wow. You have no idea how much that just blessed me. God has really used you for a Word exactly when I needed it. I’m praying for you ministry to be spread even farther, God Bless.


    • Thank you. Going through a situation where i just cannot seem to let go or walk away from someone who clearly does not feel the same about me and he tells me so all the time. Hurts. But thank you for this, it feels good to know that God knows what i’m going through.


  2. Thanks Lauren!
    I really needed to hear these words. Thanks for everything you are doing, you are truly blessed.
    Sending lots of love your way (:


  3. Thank you for this post, Lauren. For quite some time I’ve kept God’s word concerning Sowing and Reaping in my thoughts as I’ve struggled with the relationship not only between myself and my husband, but myself and my mom, and 2 of my older siblings (I am the youngest of 6). It seems since my husband and I moved to FL from MI two years ago, I’ve come to deserve the hurtful, confusing, words spoken to me by the people I hold dear to my heart. I am struggling with whether or not my next statement is disrespectful, but is true. In conversations we’ve had, I admit my battles with an unforgiving heart, and tell my family members God is and has revealed & worked to give me what only He can. He knows my heart, so to generically fake forgiveness “for the sake of another’s happiness” is as wrong as having an unforgiving heart. And all the while, being told by my mom how sinful (already aware) and unhappy God is with me. I almost believed I deserved the sad, scary, and disguised messages of complete worthlessness as a daughter, sister, and most hurtful of all, mother, that I am. (Never coming from my adult children, but from my mom, 1 brother, and 1 sister) Also, often taking God’s word to apply to me, but not acknowledging/ignoring His word in their actions, words, or thoughts.
    In my heart, I know He continues a good work in me, because He loves me and I am His child, imperfections and all. So, I will continue to love hard and honest, even though it’s received as worthless and meaningless, not because the human in me longs to know I am loved in return, but because I am exactly who my Heavenly Father created me to be! (Keeping in mind I am always a work in progress, and He is my guide on this journey!)

    God Bless you and Thank you for sharing,



  4. This writeup has really blessed me beyond measure. Have read it time witout number, still getting new messages there in.God bless u .


  5. Aww Lauren, if I knew you in person we would SO be good girlfriends and shopping buddies (of course if I make the “cut” to be called your friend! LOL I discovered your blog/website by chance a few months ago and its so comforting to find another young women who knows the Word, her worth and has Godly sense (totally different from common sense)!! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one not willing to settle for anything less than what God has for me.
    Anywho, I love this post and hits close to home for me in the family department. Its a great reminder to know God sees all, knows our hearts and our love will be reciprocated one day. But, I would add that when we love, serve or work for our loved ones we are to do it unto God not man or the chosen person. These thoughts keep me sane and giving in to defeat.

    God bless and keep them coming 🙂


  6. Hi!
    I have just returned home from a teenage christian camp where I have been so blessed by God and my faith has hugely grown. We have been exploring 1 John and the idea of putting the truth of God over our feelings as they are temporary, and choosing to love God at all times. In a youth led service I had the opportunity to speak and I used Psalm 34:1-10 to explore how God will reward us if we choose to do right and love him – which 1 John stresses is directly linked to loving others. So when I had a look to see which of your posts I hadnt read before I felt so reassured that I had spoken about the right thing that God wanted me to say. I also LOVE your tank analogy as it is such a great visual aid, God has given you a great gift for explaining things!
    God Bless


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